By Shihan Val Mijailovic
A classic DVD to be treasured by all Karate
practitioners and martial artist, Masterclass Karate:
Sweeping Techniques is considered by many experts as the
ultimate guide to sweeping techniques in Karate. The author, a
former IKA world champion and karate master, has updated this
rich source to reflect changes that have taken place in the last
two decades in the competition field. ShihanMijailovic reveals the techniques—time-tested
in real competition—training, and strategy for dominating and
submitting your opponent with powerful sweeps. This DVD has a
great deal to offer to all Karate students, from beginner to
black belt level, as well as being a unique and enjoyable way to
learn about the true art of using sweeps in karate sparring.
48 minutes
Buy the
DVD HF-301 - $24.95
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